Q: Who can participate in the NEXUS Photo Awards?

A: Participation is allowed for all professional and amateur photographers from around the world; however, they must read the festival’s participation rules and act accordingly.

Q: How many photographs can I enter into the same series?

A: A series consists of at least 2 and no more than 7 photographs ( 1 first photograph and 6 supporting pictures), sharing a common theme or concept and a single title. Series will be judged as a whole. Please be sure that the photographs work together as a body of work.

Q: What is considered a series?

A: A series consists of at least two and no more than seven photographs, sharing a common theme or concept and a single title. Please ensure that your images work together as a whole, as they will not be judged individually when entered as a series.

Q: How will I know if my submission is complete, and what do I do if it’s not?

A: If, at the time of the competition’s close, a submission is incomplete (e.g. the submission has not been paid, or the images have not been uploaded correctly), it will not be eligible for juried consideration. However, you may check on your entry status at any time by logging into the Member Section and clicking on Entry History.

Q: How should I submit my photographs for the competition?

A: First you will need to complete the online submission form, filling in the necessary details about your entry–credit name, entry title (please do not use symbols in the title–only letters and spaces), description, and select the category(s) that you are submitting to. Once you have completed the online submission form and filled in the details of your entry, you will be directed to the upload page where you can upload your photos.

Q: What specs should the digital files have?

A: Digital images should be in sRGB format and not exceed 1500 pixels and maximum 2 MB per file. Save as JPG compression High, and minimum 1000 pixels on the longest side. Choose a name for your image, for example: “Look.jpg” and please do not use symbols or spaces in the file name. If your submission is a series of images, please number them and upload in order of importance. Note: The first image should be the best/strongest in the series.

Q: Can I enter one photograph into multiple categories?

A: Yes, you may enter the same photograph into as many categories as you wish. In fact, doing so may increase your chances of winning. There is an additional fee for each extra category that you select for a single entry: 20% off the initial entry fees.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of entries I can submit?

A: No, you may submit as many entries, in as many categories, as you wish.

Q: Is there a time limit within which the photographs should have been taken?

A: No. There is no time limit for the shooting time of submitted photos.

Q: Can I submit a photograph that has won an award?

A: Yes, You can submit photos that have won prizes in other contests, but you cannot submit a photo that has won a NEXUS contest. I’m having problems uploading data. Please read the instructions on the entry form again. If you are unable to resolve the problem after reading the instructions, send an e-mail inquiry to “Contact@Nipawards.com”.

Q: Can I make changes to my entry after I have paid?

No, after payment has been made, entries cannot be altered. Please review your work carefully before finalizing payment.

Q: How do I know if you received my entry?

You should receive a confirmation email shortly after you submit and pay for your work.

Q: What is the time of the final deadline?

We accept online entries until 11:59 PM UTC, December 31.

Q: What do winners receive?

Overall winner of the NEXUS Photography Awards Win 2000$ Cash prize + 13 Medals + Golden Trophy and the title NEXUS Photographer Of The Year.

Q: Is the judging anonymous?

Yes, judging is anonymous. Judges are not aware of participants’ names or details.

Q: Will I be compensated for the use of my images?

There is no monetary remuneration for the use of your image, however in the case that it is being used for something other than the promotion of the competition, you will be contacted and given the option to decline the use of your work.

Q: What prizes do the winners receive?

Over All Winner will receive the title “NEXUS Photographer of the Year” along with cash prizes.

Medals: 13 Gold Medals awarded to category winners.

All winners, as well as Honorable Mentions, will receive a Winner Certificate and a Winner Logo. These assets can be accessed and downloaded on the “Your entries” tab of your member profile.